Somewhere, far from earth, wind howls on a desolate planet.

On that deserted planet, with its howling wind, sits a small building- A house.

In that house, someone is sitting on a bed, typing away at a laptop.

The sound of the wind is dulled out by the concrete walls, the tapping of keys is all that can be heard in the small room.

-- arrangedAbsolution [AA] began pestering intricateImbalance [II] --
AA: Iridium.
AA: I feel it. It will all be set into motion soon.
AA: Are you there? We must discuss this.
AA: Message me when you recieve these messages. I do not know what you are doing right now, but this is more important.

Curiosity fills your bones. Maybe... Maybe it's time to Be somebody.

You are now IRIDIUM.
You feel like you should explain who you are to yourself, for some reason, but you decide not to.
It looks like you are currently in the middle of tidying your room. How responsible!

You decide to begin with this skateboard.
Look at it.. How messy! It was just on the floor!
You should definitely put this somewhere else.

Somewhere like...


Just how you like it.

Well, fun's over. Looks like someone's messaging you.

-- arrangedAbsolution [AA] began pestering intricateImbalance [II] --
AA: Iridium.
AA: I feel it. It will all be set into motion soon.
AA: Are you there? We must discuss this.
AA: Message me when you recieve these messages. I do not know what you are doing right now, but this is more important.
AA: Iridium??
AA: Please do not tell me you are destroying your room again.
II: oosps sorry!!!! im here now whats up??
AA: We are on the precipice of immeasurable changes.
AA: Our whole world will shift to an incomprehensible degree shortly.
II: i understand some of those worfs
AA: Things are going to change soon, Iridium.
AA: And we will be at the center of it.
II: i still dont really know what ur talking about :[[
II: is this the weird premoniton thing you were talking about like a month ago
II: because to be honest i already forgot half of what u told me
AA: For the love of all that is sensical,
AA: I sincerely hope you are joking.
II: im not :(
AA: Right.
AA: I shall explain to you once more, and I expect that you will remember it this time.
II: okie :((
AA: Iridium..
AA: Please do not try and make me feel guilty.
AA: I am hard on you not because I feel you are deserving of strife,
AA: But because I know first-hand how capable you can be if you put your mind to it.
AA: It just pains me to see you squander that capability on...
II: on what?
AA: Honing your skateboard-throwing skills.
II: hehehehehehe
II: i mean u have to admit im getting pretty good at aim
AA: Indeed you are. But your efforts would be much more useful elsewhere.
AA: Especially considering what will be taking place soon.

AA: As you know, I have been recieving important information about our future.
AA: A complex weaving of different timelines and universes, all intertwining just to...
AA: Iridium.
AA: You are not focusing on my texts, are you?
II: whatttt no
II: im so locked in right now
II: promise
II: once you finish talking ill be able to repeat like all of this word for word
II: prommy
AA: Alright.. As I was saying.
AA: Our lives are about to become a lot more interesting.
AA: Do you still have those discs I sent you?
II: YES! i promise i did not nearly knock them off a table with a skateboard today I-I
AA: I am not entirely sure I trust you, but I will continue as if I do nonetheless.
AA: Anyway.
AA: I will need you to run those discs in a short period of time.
AA: Though, it may take a while for the preperations to be complete.
AA: So please leave the discs where they are for now. I will tell you when we must play.
II: we?
II: ur playing too? 0000:
AA: Yes.
II: omfg
AA: I have fun very frequently.
II: with what
AA: Tidying my room.
II: you are genuinely the worst kind of person
AA: I doubt the validity of that statement.
AA: Anyway. As I was saying previously.
AA: We will both play the game I sent to you.
AA: And through that game, we will be connected to a very large group of people.
AA: Eventually, the game will transport us to the same realm as those people.
II: what happens after that? ;0
AA: I do not know.
AA: All I know is that this is what we must do to ensure the survival of those people.
AA: We are their only hope for success.
II: wait thats actually so sick
II: we get to save a bunch of rando peoples lives?
AA: Essentially, yes.
II: awesome. >:)